Divas & Patubatê: A Rhythmic Celebration at Clube do Choro— Divas & Patubatê: Uma Celebração Rítmica no Clube do Choro

Stepping into the Clube do Choro that evening, it was impossible not to feel the warmth of the Divas. This was more than a pre-Carnival party—it was a celebration of movement, connection, and the enduring power of joy. The Divas, a group of women mostly in their 60s and beyond, embody a deep understanding of what it means to embrace life at every stage. With grace and enthusiasm, they filled the space with quiet vitality, their movements unhurried yet full of presence. At their side, Patubatê set the rhythm, their inventive percussion transforming recycled materials into a powerful soundscape. The beats reverberated through the venue, creating a dialogue between music and movement that transcended generations. In a world that often overlooks the voices of older women, the Divas stood in radiant defiance, reminding everyone that joy has no expiration date.

Ao entrar no Clube do Choro naquela noite, era impossível não sentir o calor das Divas. Aquilo era mais do que uma festa pré-carnavalesca—era uma celebração do movimento, da conexão e do poder duradouro da alegria. As Divas, um grupo de mulheres em sua maioria com mais de 60 anos, carregam uma compreensão profunda do que significa abraçar a vida em todas as suas fases. Com graça e entusiasmo, preencheram o espaço com uma vitalidade serena, seus movimentos sem pressa, mas cheios de presença. Ao seu lado, o Patubatê marcou o ritmo, sua percussão inventiva transformando materiais reciclados em uma paisagem sonora poderosa. As batidas reverberavam pelo salão, criando um diálogo entre música e movimento que transcendeu gerações. Em um mundo que muitas vezes ignora as vozes das mulheres mais velhas, as Divas brilharam em resistência radiante, lembrando a todos que a alegria não tem prazo de validade.

Stepping into the Clube do Choro for a pre-Carnival gathering of the Divas felt like entering a vivid tapestry of color, sound, and shared warmth. The Divas, a group of women primarily in their 60s and beyond, hosted an evening of dance and celebration that underscored what it means to remain active, connected, and genuinely joyful later in life. Their guests for this special event were the innovative percussionists of Patubatê—artists known for transforming barrels, cans, and automotive parts into striking musical instruments. Together, they created an atmosphere where tradition met invention, all within a mood that shone with quiet vitality rather than wild excess.

Entrar no Clube do Choro para o encontro pré-Carnaval das Divas foi como adentrar um vibrante tapete de cores, sons e calor compartilhado. As Divas, um grupo de mulheres, em sua maioria com mais de 60 anos, organizaram uma noite de dança e celebração que ressaltou o verdadeiro significado de permanecer ativa, conectada e genuinamente alegre na maturidade. Os convidados especiais desse evento foram os inovadores percussionistas do Patubatê—artistas conhecidos por transformar tambores, latas e peças automotivas em instrumentos musicais surpreendentes. Juntos, criaram uma atmosfera onde a tradição encontrou a invenção, em um ambiente marcado por uma vitalidade serena, sem excessos.

The Divas themselves have a fascinating story. The program emerged from a granddaughter’s desire to support her grandmother, Hilda Alonso, who had retreated from her formerly vibrant life after losing her husband. That granddaughter—Roberta Marques—designed a dance-centered curriculum tailored to older adults, emphasizing safety, pleasure, and sociability. What began as a small endeavor to help one beloved family member quickly attracted more women eager to enjoy dance in a setting that respects their rhythms and fosters community. Today, the Divas thrive with in-person classes across multiple Brazilian cities and even online sessions for participants around the world.

As próprias Divas têm uma história fascinante. O programa surgiu do desejo de uma neta de apoiar sua avó, Hilda Alonso, que havia se afastado de sua vida vibrante após a perda do marido. Essa neta—Roberta Marques—desenvolveu um currículo focado na dança, adaptado para adultos mais velhos, enfatizando segurança, prazer e sociabilidade. O que começou como um pequeno esforço para ajudar um membro querido da família rapidamente atraiu outras mulheres que buscavam a alegria da dança em um ambiente que respeita seus ritmos e fortalece a comunidade. Hoje, as Divas prosperam com aulas presenciais em várias cidades brasileiras e até mesmo sessões online para participantes ao redor do mundo.

Patubatê’s role in the evening was impossible to ignore. Their electrifying performance—rooted in Brazilian rhythms such as samba, maracatu, and ijexá—reverberated through the venue. The group’s recycled instruments speak to a message of sustainability, while their travels to over 20 countries and 350 Brazilian cities exemplify their commitment to bringing people together through pulsating beats. During the Clube do Choro event, the synergy between Patubatê and the Divas illuminated an overarching sense of harmony: seasoned dancers moved calmly to the energetic percussion, creating a balance that invited everyone to join in, regardless of age or skill level.

O papel do Patubatê naquela noite foi impossível de ignorar. Sua performance eletrizante—enraizada em ritmos brasileiros como samba, maracatu e ijexá—reverberou por todo o espaço. Os instrumentos reciclados do grupo carregam uma mensagem de sustentabilidade, enquanto suas viagens por mais de 20 países e 350 cidades brasileiras refletem seu compromisso em unir pessoas por meio de batidas pulsantes. Durante o evento no Clube do Choro, a sinergia entre o Patubatê e as Divas revelou um profundo senso de harmonia: dançarinas experientes moviam-se com tranquilidade ao som da percussão enérgica, criando um equilíbrio que convidava todos a participar, independentemente da idade ou nível de habilidade.

Above all, these images strive to convey the power of human connection. From the color-splashed costumes to the glimmers of excitement in each pair of eyes, the photographs are a visual reminder that aging does not mean losing one’s spark—it can be a time to deepen bonds and explore new avenues of expression. In a city as diverse and evolving as Brasília, the Divas stand out by proving that when music, movement, and community intertwine, they can turn any moment—Carnival or otherwise—into a celebration of life’s vibrancy.

Acima de tudo, essas imagens buscam transmitir a força da conexão humana. Dos trajes coloridos aos brilhos de entusiasmo em cada olhar, as fotografias são um lembrete visual de que envelhecer não significa perder o brilho—pode ser um momento para fortalecer laços e explorar novas formas de expressão. Em uma cidade tão diversa e em constante transformação como Brasília, as Divas se destacam ao provar que, quando música, movimento e comunidade se entrelaçam, qualquer momento—Carnaval ou não—pode se transformar em uma celebração da vitalidade da vida.

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Circo dos Sonhos: Between Magic and Reality Under the Big Top

Stepping into Circo dos Sonhos, I feel like I’ve entered another world. The scent of popcorn lingers, the towering tent glows under the lights, and behind the curtain, performers prepare for a night of magic. But beyond the wonder of the show lies a different reality—one of relentless training, constant travel, and financial uncertainty. Life in the circus is a delicate balance between passion and survival, creativity and struggle. Through this series of photographs, I want to reveal both sides of this world—the breathtaking artistry and the quiet, unseen moments of dedication. Because in the end, the circus is more than a performance. It’s a way of life, a testament to resilience, and proof that dreams, no matter how challenging, are always worth chasing.

Stepping into Circo dos Sonhos in Brasilia, I feel like I’ve entered another world. The scent of popcorn lingers in the air, the massive red-and-yellow tent stretches toward the sky, and somewhere behind the curtain, performers are getting ready. This is where magic happens, where the impossible becomes real—if only for a night.

But what if this weren’t just a visit? What if this were my life? I imagine waking up as one of them—a circus artist, living and breathing the rhythm of the show. Mornings begin with rehearsals under the big top. Acrobats twist and flip through the air, trusting each other completely. Clowns fine-tune their routines, tweaking their timing until the laughter comes naturally. Musicians tune their instruments, setting the heartbeat of the performance. The sense of community is everything. In the circus, you don’t just work together—you live together, eat together, dream together. Every day is about pushing limits, perfecting skills, and trusting the person beside you. It’s exhausting, exhilarating, and deeply rewarding.

As a storyteller with a camera, I see more than the performance. I see the quiet moments backstage—the tightrope walker stretching before a big act, the clown adjusting their face paint in the mirror, the magician whispering last-minute encouragement to an assistant. These moments hold the same magic as the show itself.

But behind the wonder, there’s another story. The life of a circus performer is filled with uncertainty. The circus is an entire world on wheels, moving from city to city, setting up and tearing down, chasing the next audience. In Brazil, the exact number of circuses is hard to track, but many struggle to survive. Funding is scarce, and big cities are harder to reach. Fewer young people see the circus as a viable future. Salaries vary wildly. In countries like the U.S., a trapeze artist might earn $39,000 a year, but here in Brazil, it’s often much less. There are no guarantees—no safety net beyond the one they use in practice. Injuries happen, and access to healthcare isn’t always easy when you’re constantly on the move.

And yet, they stay. Not for money or stability, but for the art, the passion, the love of performance. Living as an artist is always a balance between imagination and reality. The circus is about wonder, but the business of running a circus is relentless—tickets to sell, tents to maintain, costumes to repair. Many performers take on extra jobs, handling logistics or managing promotions, stretching their creativity between survival and performance.

And still, when the lights dim and the crowd hushes, when the music swells and the show begins, it all becomes worth it. Through this series of photographs, I want you to see both sides of Circo dos Sonhos—the breathtaking artistry and the hard work behind it. The soaring dreams and the daily grind. The people who bring magic to life, even when the odds are stacked against them. Because in the end, the circus is more than a performance. It’s a way of life, a testament to passion, resilience, and the belief that dreams—no matter how difficult—are always worth chasing.

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