Joy & Resilience: ARUC’s Quest for Samba Equality - Alegria & Resistência: O Esforço da ARUC pelo Samba Igualitário

I was immersed in the samba pulse at the Cruzeiro pre-Carnival parade, where bright costumes sparkled and drums boomed with contagious energy. Families and dancers bonded over the shared rhythm, proving Carnival’s power to unite.

Fiquei imerso no pulsar do samba na prévia de Carnaval no Cruzeiro, onde fantasias brilhantes cintilavam e tambores ressoavam com energia contagiante. Famílias e dançarinos se uniram em torno do ritmo, provando o poder do Carnaval de unir.

This past weekend, I found myself swept up in the lively pre-Carnival parade in Cruzeiro, Brasília—an energetic teaser of what’s to come for Carnival 2025. The streets were awash in vivid greens, golds, pinks, and blues, with dancers of all ages dressed in dazzling costumes that shimmered under the midday sun. Families gathered along the sidewalks, small children clapping to the beat, while seasoned sambistas moved with an effortless grace that seemed to infect everyone with pure joy. The uplifting sound of drums and singing echoed through the neighborhood, creating a warm, inclusive atmosphere. It was a place where people of every background felt free to dance, celebrate, and share a collective sense of belonging.

No último fim de semana, me deixei envolver pela animada prévia de Carnaval no Cruzeiro, em Brasília — um aperitivo cheio de energia do que está por vir no Carnaval de 2025. As ruas estavam repletas de tons vibrantes de verde, dourado, rosa e azul, com dançarinos de todas as idades vestindo fantasias deslumbrantes que brilhavam sob o sol do meio-dia. Famílias se reuniam nas calçadas, crianças pequenas batendo palmas no ritmo, enquanto sambistas experientes se moviam com uma graça natural que parecia contagiar todos com pura alegria. O som contagiante dos tambores e do canto ecoava pelo bairro, criando uma atmosfera acolhedora e inclusiva. Era um lugar onde pessoas de todas as origens se sentiam livres para dançar, festejar e compartilhar um sentimento coletivo de pertencimento.

A Community Built on Samba Tradition
Uma Comunidade Construída sobre a Tradição do Samba

Cruzeiro’s samba culture dates back to 1961, when a group of residents formed the Associação Recreativa Unidos do Cruzeiro (ARUC) in the backyard of Paulo Costa’s home. As Brasília’s very first samba school, ARUC has played a pivotal role in the city’s cultural scene for decades—amassing 31 carnival championship titles and earning recognition as Patrimônio Cultural Imaterial do Distrito Federal in 2009. Its founders were mostly public servants transferred from Rio de Janeiro, bringing cherished samba traditions with them. Over the years, ARUC has also supported community sports programs, further cementing its place in local history.

A cultura do samba no Cruzeiro remonta a 1961, quando um grupo de moradores formou a Associação Recreativa Unidos do Cruzeiro (ARUC) no quintal da casa de Paulo Costa. Como a primeira escola de samba de Brasília, a ARUC desempenhou um papel fundamental na cena cultural da cidade por décadas — conquistando 31 títulos de campeã no carnaval e recebendo o reconhecimento de Patrimônio Cultural Imaterial do Distrito Federal em 2009. Seus fundadores eram, em sua maioria, servidores públicos transferidos do Rio de Janeiro, trazendo consigo preciosas tradições do samba. Ao longo dos anos, a ARUC também apoiou programas esportivos para a comunidade, reforçando ainda mais sua importância na história local.

Recent Challenges and the Fine
Desafios Recentes e a Multa

Despite its longstanding legacy, ARUC faced legal challenges when it was fined R$5,000 by Instituto Brasília Ambiental (Ibram) for noise levels of 69 dB—just above the 60 dB limit. A neighbor’s complaint led to a ban on live and recorded music, threatening ARUC’s participation in the main Carnival parade. On October 8, 2024, ARUC reached an agreement setting rehearsal times—one evening per week until 10 p.m.—and allowing up to five larger events to run until midnight. With this accord, the case may be dropped, paving the way for the fine to be canceled and the ban lifted. A national samba schools association welcomed the resolution and called for revisions to local noise regulations to better preserve cultural events.

Apesar de seu reconhecido legado, a ARUC enfrentou desafios jurídicos ao ser multada em R$ 5 mil pelo Instituto Brasília Ambiental (Ibram), após medições de som em 69 dB—acima do limite de 60 dB. Uma reclamação de um morador resultou na proibição de música ao vivo e mecânica, ameaçando a participação da escola no desfile principal. Em 8 de outubro de 2024, a ARUC firmou um acordo estabelecendo horários de ensaio—um dia por semana até as 22h—e permitindo até cinco eventos de maior porte até a meia-noite. Com o entendimento, o processo pode ser arquivado, possibilitando o cancelamento da multa e o fim da proibição. Uma associação nacional de escolas de samba elogiou o acerto e defendeu a revisão da legislação de ruídos para proteger as atividades culturais.

Why Carnival Matters
Por Que o Carnaval Importa

Beyond the music and costumes, Carnival serves as a unifying force in Brazilian culture. Its roots cross class, race, and regional lines, creating a space where everyone can partake in the celebration on equal terms. Samba schools like ARUC have long provided local communities with a sense of shared identity and belonging. During Carnival season, the streets themselves transform into stages, where dancers, musicians, and onlookers connect through rhythm, color, and spontaneous festivities. This egalitarian spirit stands out as one of the festival’s defining qualities—it’s a moment when barriers dissolve, replaced by collective celebration.

Além da música e das fantasias, o Carnaval funciona como uma força unificadora na cultura brasileira. Suas raízes atravessam classes sociais, raças e regiões, criando um espaço onde todos podem participar da festa em igualdade de condições. Escolas de samba como a ARUC, há muito tempo, oferecem às comunidades locais um sentimento de identidade e pertencimento. Durante a temporada de Carnaval, as próprias ruas se transformam em palcos, onde dançarinos, músicos e espectadores se conectam por meio do ritmo, das cores e da festa espontânea. Esse espírito igualitário destaca-se como uma das qualidades principais do festival — é um momento em que as barreiras se dissolvem, dando lugar à celebração coletiva.

Looking Ahead
Olhando para o Futuro

Even with the legal hurdles facing ARUC, the spirit of samba endures. From the bright smiles of dancing children to the proud twirls of longtime performers, the pre-Carnival parade in Cruzeiro radiated an optimism that is quintessentially Brazilian. As we anticipate the main events of Carnival 2025, the photos and stories from this weekend’s celebration remind us of samba’s unwavering power to bring communities together and keep cultural traditions alive—no matter the obstacles.

Mesmo com os obstáculos legais enfrentados pela ARUC, o espírito do samba permanece vivo. Desde os sorrisos radiantes das crianças que dançam até os rodopios orgulhosos dos veteranos, a prévia de Carnaval no Cruzeiro irradiou um otimismo tipicamente brasileiro. Enquanto aguardamos os principais eventos do Carnaval de 2025, as fotos e histórias da celebração deste fim de semana nos lembram do poder inabalável do samba para unir comunidades e manter vivas as tradições culturais — independentemente dos desafios.

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Circo dos Sonhos: Between Magic and Reality Under the Big Top

Stepping into Circo dos Sonhos, I feel like I’ve entered another world. The scent of popcorn lingers, the towering tent glows under the lights, and behind the curtain, performers prepare for a night of magic. But beyond the wonder of the show lies a different reality—one of relentless training, constant travel, and financial uncertainty. Life in the circus is a delicate balance between passion and survival, creativity and struggle. Through this series of photographs, I want to reveal both sides of this world—the breathtaking artistry and the quiet, unseen moments of dedication. Because in the end, the circus is more than a performance. It’s a way of life, a testament to resilience, and proof that dreams, no matter how challenging, are always worth chasing.

Stepping into Circo dos Sonhos in Brasilia, I feel like I’ve entered another world. The scent of popcorn lingers in the air, the massive red-and-yellow tent stretches toward the sky, and somewhere behind the curtain, performers are getting ready. This is where magic happens, where the impossible becomes real—if only for a night.

But what if this weren’t just a visit? What if this were my life? I imagine waking up as one of them—a circus artist, living and breathing the rhythm of the show. Mornings begin with rehearsals under the big top. Acrobats twist and flip through the air, trusting each other completely. Clowns fine-tune their routines, tweaking their timing until the laughter comes naturally. Musicians tune their instruments, setting the heartbeat of the performance. The sense of community is everything. In the circus, you don’t just work together—you live together, eat together, dream together. Every day is about pushing limits, perfecting skills, and trusting the person beside you. It’s exhausting, exhilarating, and deeply rewarding.

As a storyteller with a camera, I see more than the performance. I see the quiet moments backstage—the tightrope walker stretching before a big act, the clown adjusting their face paint in the mirror, the magician whispering last-minute encouragement to an assistant. These moments hold the same magic as the show itself.

But behind the wonder, there’s another story. The life of a circus performer is filled with uncertainty. The circus is an entire world on wheels, moving from city to city, setting up and tearing down, chasing the next audience. In Brazil, the exact number of circuses is hard to track, but many struggle to survive. Funding is scarce, and big cities are harder to reach. Fewer young people see the circus as a viable future. Salaries vary wildly. In countries like the U.S., a trapeze artist might earn $39,000 a year, but here in Brazil, it’s often much less. There are no guarantees—no safety net beyond the one they use in practice. Injuries happen, and access to healthcare isn’t always easy when you’re constantly on the move.

And yet, they stay. Not for money or stability, but for the art, the passion, the love of performance. Living as an artist is always a balance between imagination and reality. The circus is about wonder, but the business of running a circus is relentless—tickets to sell, tents to maintain, costumes to repair. Many performers take on extra jobs, handling logistics or managing promotions, stretching their creativity between survival and performance.

And still, when the lights dim and the crowd hushes, when the music swells and the show begins, it all becomes worth it. Through this series of photographs, I want you to see both sides of Circo dos Sonhos—the breathtaking artistry and the hard work behind it. The soaring dreams and the daily grind. The people who bring magic to life, even when the odds are stacked against them. Because in the end, the circus is more than a performance. It’s a way of life, a testament to passion, resilience, and the belief that dreams—no matter how difficult—are always worth chasing.

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